Our firm was featured in Florida Funeral Directors Magazine in 2000 which pointed out that we were “One of Florida’s oldest and busiest” funeral homes. Prices are quoted for the basic services we provide. These costs should be used as the main source of comparison with other funeral home’s pricing.
These are funeral home package prices for our most used services. They include all the items usually furnished for these services by the funeral home. They do not include a casket or any cemetery or outside costs (flowers, death certificates, clergy, musician, etc.) and they assume that death and services will occur in South Brevard County. A complete and itemized General Price List can be obtained by stopping by the office or prices are available over the phone. In your time of need we hope you will consider Brownlie – Maxwell Funeral Home. Please call our office or email us to set up an appointment at your convenience.
Service |
Price |
Direct Cremation | $1125.00 |
Cremation/Memorial | $2125.00 |
Cremation/Service | $2875.00 |
Ship Out/Direct | $2040.00 |
Ship Out/ Serv. | $2875.00 |
Gift to Science | $2700.00 |
Graveside Service | $2600.00 |
Traditional Burial | $2875.00 |
US government information on caskets, burial vaults as well as other funeral information is available at www.ftc.gov or 1-877-FTC-HELP.