Lorrayne N. Callaway

Departed in Jacksonville, Florida on September 26, 2018
Lorrayne N. Callaway, 100, passed away on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 in Jacksonville, FL. She was born in New Jersey and moved to Brevard in 1933. Lorrayne was a home-maker and a member of First United Methodist Church of Melbourne. She was a Twice Past Worth Matron OES #105 Melbourne, Grand Rep for State of Nevada OES and member of the White Shrine.
She is survived by her son, Richard C. Call¬away; daughter, Ricke Callaway Ricciardelli; four grandchildren and two great-grand¬children.
Visitation will be held Saturday, from 1 until 2 pm at the Brownlie-Maxwell Chapel with a service to follow at 2:00 pm.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made at the Shriners Hospi¬tal, 12502 N. Pine Dr., Tampa, FL 33612-9499.