Elwyn “Bit” Fretwell

Born on January 19, 1940 in Sebastian, Florida
Departed on August 7, 2020 in Melbourne, Florida

Elwyn Fretwell known by family and friends as “Bit,” age 80, passed away August 7 after long illness with Alzheimer’s. Bit graduated from New Smyrna Beach High School and joined the Air Force. After receiving honorable discharge he worked as Fireman and Fire Chief of Cocoa Beach. From there Bit was Florida State Fire Marshal until he received a Bachelor of Engineering from University of Central Florida. He then moved to Washington, D.C. where he worked for Airline Pilot’s Association becoming Manager, Engineering & Air Safety, retiring back to Florida after 25 years. Bit’s love of flying led him to part time business of leasing airplanes and teaching many students to fly. He is survived by wife of 58 years, Amelia, Daughter, Kerri, and Grandaughter Mya.

Guestbook Entry

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3 entries.
Lindsay Carr from New Smyrna Beach, Florida wrote on August 23, 2020:
RIP Bit. I,along with NSBHS CL'57, have made a donation in memory of your name into the NSBCAPS. This money will go towards future scholarships for graduating students of NSBHS.
Elzie Norman from Woodbine wrote on August 22, 2020:
R I P My friend and class mate
Kerri from Plant City wrote on August 19, 2020:
Dad 🥰