Gary M. Peterson

Born on December 12, 1955 in St. Cloud, Florida
Passed on December 30, 2024 in Melbourne, Florida

Gary M. Peterson passed on December 30, 2024 in Melbourne, Florida. He was born December 12, 1955 in St. Cloud, Florida.

Survivors include his wife of 24 years Cindy Peterson; brother Lee Peterson and sister Karen McKinney. He was preceded in death by his son Gary Mitchell Peterson, Jr. in 1997.

He worked in concrete construction his entire life. Gary was a member of Pentecostal Lighthouse Church. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, treasure diving and was a member of the Airboat Association.

His memorial service will be on January 19, 2025 at Pentecostal Lighthouse Church, 2350 W. New Haven Avenue, Melbourne, Florida, 32904 at 12 noon, followed by a celebration of life.

Guestbook Entry

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3 entries.
Karen McKinney from Westminster wrote on January 19, 2025:
I love you Gary and I will miss you. Both you and Cindy are in my thoughts and prayers today.
April from Palm Bay Florida wrote on January 19, 2025:
Rest in Peace. Prayers of comfort Cindy 🙏.
Angie & JD Clemons from Melbourne wrote on January 17, 2025:
❤️ We love you Cindy ❤️