Maria Angeolina Lara

Born on July 11, 1954 in Lima, Peru
Departed May 5, 2022 in Palm Bay, Florida

Maria Angeolina Lara passed away on May 5, 2022, at 4:25 p.m. in the comfort of her own home with her family beside her, exemplifying Proverbs 31, versus 25-31:

Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

My mother, also lovingly referred to as Yaya by my son, was a force to reckon with in this world. She was an invincible warrior from birth until her last breath. She was an angel on earth for so many and had the aura of a queen because that is the confidence she had in herself and exuded to those around her. It was clear to me that my mom was an old soul because she was a perfect mother and wife from the very beginning. She always knew right from wrong without question or hesitation. Her moral compass was always perfectly calibrated.

Although she was extremely gifted in math and dreamed of being an architect, life’s hardships didn’t allow her to finish her education in Peru. She immigrated to the United States to work when she was only 16 years old and soon met my father. Their love story is a modern fairytale with its own beautiful and incredible story. They were Yin and Yang, perfectly balanced to navigate through life and its hardships together. Upon becoming a wife at 17, and then a year later my mother, she masterfully accepted her roles and unconditionally devoted herself to her family. She was an exceptional role model to me, my brother, my sister Tamar, and everyone around her – the epitome of a Biblical wife and mother.

She was greatly influenced by Catholic nuns and embraced her Catholic faith wholeheartedly. She embodied the principles of Jesus Christ in her life and raised us to always do our best to follow in His footsteps. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don’t say or do anything that would intentionally hurt someone. Never wish harm on anyone no matter what. Never judge; don’t throw the first stone or any stone. Finally, always trust in God and know that He is always with you wherever you go and in whatever you do. Because of her strong faith and trust in God, she was never a needy person. She had very high standards for herself and for those she allowed to be with her.

Standing only 4 feet 11 inches tall, she had phenomenal strength, a marvelous wit, and a pure compassionate heart filled with infinite love. Her only weakness is that sometimes she gave too much of herself when caring for those close to her. She always put her family’s needs first and foremost before herself. When she finally fulfilled her role as a mother to me, she became my very best friend. I could never imagine life, this world, without her in it. She was always my mentor, my confidant, the wind beneath my wings. She always had a very brave adventurous spirit and raised me the same way: to go out and conquer the world. Her fearless nature was impressive and evident even to strangers; when we went on a cruise together, she went scuba diving on one of the excursions even though she didn’t know how to swim. She didn’t even know how to float. She could do anything, anywhere, at any time. Even when she was diagnosed with an extremely rare autoimmune disease, Dermatomyositis, in her early 50s, she refused to let it debilitate her. Instead, she took great care, time, and attention to get the disease in remission and continue her life as if she didn’t have it. Walking almost every evening with my dad, going to the gym, remodeling and painting their two-story house, and riding with her grandson on his little motorized scooter, were just a few of the many activities she continued to enjoy in her life.

Through it all, during her entire life, she was always very sophisticated and worldly-wise. God, the Bible, History, Moral Stories, Life-Experience, and the World were her teachers. She had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and an unconditional love for sharing all she knew and learned to everyone around her so they could use it to their advantage to flourish in their lives. She touched and influenced so many people throughout the world to make a positive impact on earth. My mom was able to do all of this and more, be herself and stay true to herself and God always, with the help, the incredible partnership of my superhero dad: her rock, her lion, her wind beneath her wings, her everything. Thank you, dad, for giving my mother, Maria Angeolina Lara, the most incredible life on earth. Thank you for giving her the freedom and avenue to live her life to the fullest until her last breath.

Maria A. Lara Biography 1954 – 2022

Maria Angeolina Ruiz Bustamante Lara was born in Barranco, Lima, Peru on July 11, 1954. The third from the youngest of eight siblings, she knew from an early age she was destined to succeed and she did. She attended Mary’s Children Catholic School managed by nuns. She always talked about her relationship and experiences with the nuns at her school, church, and in her life. As a result, she developed a very strong and meaningful spiritual connection and faith in God. She was one of the smallest in stature, but her thirst for knowledge was enormous. She excelled in mathematics, her forte. From a very early age, she was intellectually gifted in numbers. She used to always tell the story about going with her mother to the local market. While her mother would order 12 to 15 different items, simultaneously, Maria added the value of the different items in her head. Before the merchant provided the total, she was already counting the money from her mother’s purse to pay the bill. This led her to obtain a job as a bookkeeper for a local business at 15 years old so she could buy herself a ticket to the United States, the land of opportunity, and live the American Dream.

In 1971, she emigrated to the USA when she was 16 years old. Landing in JFK airport in New York on a cold, snowy February winter day, she arrived with all of her possessions stored in one piece of luggage. She was ready to learn a new language, study, work, and succeed. Oh yes, she knew she was destined to succeed in her new adopted country. She always said, “In the USA there are no barriers to what you can accomplish. The only barriers are the ones you create for yourself.” For her, only the sky was the limit and she was ready to be an American.

She lived in Paterson, New Jersey with her older brother Ismael and worked in a factory. Soon after, she met and started dating a boy from Lima, Peru. She married that boy, Jose Lara, a year later on Jun 10, 1972, and made him the luckiest man on earth. She strongly encouraged him to enlist in the US Air Force while she was pregnant with their first child, a daughter, Duana Gwendolin Lara (now Boyles). Her daughter was born on April 09, 1973, and soon after, Jose flew to Texas for Basic Training on April 29th. After her husband graduated from basic training, Maria packed the family belongings and rode with her newborn baby daughter on a Greyhound bus from Paterson, New Jersey to Biloxi, Mississippi to be with her husband while he was attending technical school at Keesler A.F.B. Never afraid of travel or new horizons, she was always ready to succeed. While in Biloxi, Mississippi, with the help of her neighbor, she immersed herself in learning to write, read, and speak the English language while nursing her daughter. Never stop learning was one of her life mottos.

Completely immersed in military life, she traveled to their new assignment in Langley AFB, Virginia. From there, she packed the family belongings again and flew to Madrid, Spain in 1975 to join her husband on his new assignment at Torrejon Air Base, Spain. While in Spain, Maria became pregnant with their second child, a boy. Her son, Jose Luis Lara, was born on October 10, 1977. A year later, with two children and her husband, she led the family on a 30-day road-trip vacation in Europe, driving their vehicle from Spain, to Andorra, France, Italy (San Marino and the Vatican), Switzerland and back to Spain. Traveling and living life to the fullest was another one of her life mottos.

In 1980, after five years in Spain, the family was transferred to Hurlburt Field AFB, Florida, and later to Tinker AFB, Oklahoma. While in Oklahoma she decided to get a job and very quickly became a manager at a local restaurant without sacrificing any family time and always putting her family’s needs first and foremost. She also sponsored a high school exchange student from Jerusalem, Israel, Tamar Israeli (now Altaraz); and in a very short time, Tamar became part of the Lara family. In 1990, Maria gained a beautiful second daughter for life. Coincidentally, Tamar’s birthday is the day after Maria’s most favorite holiday, Christmas.

In 1991, after the untimely death of her son, Maria and Jose moved to Melbourne, FL to grieve the most tragic loss of their lives. Using her faith in God to help her keep moving forward in life, part of her therapy during the most difficult time of her life was listening to her daughter’s life accomplishments. Maria refused to let her daughter give up on her dreams and encouraged her to keep moving forward no matter the pain or the hardship. As a result of her upbringing, Duana graduated from the University of Texas, became a Lieutenant in the US Army, and later was promoted to Captain. After completing her military service, she graduated magna cum laude from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan and served as a Public Defender in Brevard County for many years. Maria loved hearing all of her daughter’s trial stories and was able to see her daughter in action a few times. In fact, she was able to join her daughter in court working as a Certified Courtroom Translator. Mother and daughter, two professionals working side by side, they were inseparable until Maria’s last day on earth.

While her devotion and focus were always to take exceptional care of her family, her personal passion and interest were in travel and finance. Her dream as a child growing up in Peru was to be an architect. Although life’s hardships redirected her to experience other adventures, she always lived life to the fullest with no regrets, supporting her husband, and raising her children to reach for their own stars. While working as a bank teller at a local bank, she finally started focusing on herself and enrolled in the GED program at Melbourne High School to accomplish one of her life goals – getting a high school diploma. Studying by herself at home, six weeks later she took her GED test on four subjects: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. On December 6, 1995, she was awarded her High School Diploma by the Florida State Board of Education. Start each day by believing in yourself was another one of her life mottos.

A cosmopolitan person, Maria’s passion and hobby was to travel around the world. Visiting new countries and places, experiencing new cuisines, meeting new people, going to museums, theaters, palaces, and learning other cultures, customs, music, and wines; oh yes, she loved her red wines, especially from Bordeaux, France (one of her favorite places to visit when she traveled to Europe). She also loved going on cruises with Royal Caribbean and Princess Cruises going to Jamaica, the Grand Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, and other islands.

After her husband was ready to retire from military life in 1998, they started traveling with their backpacks on Space-A military aircrafts. They began their journey at McGuire AFB, NJ flying in a C-5 cargo airplane to Germany. From Germany, they flew on a C-130 to England. During their stay in England, they arranged a round-trip flight to Jerusalem, Israel to visit her beautiful daughter Tamar Israeli and to meet for the first time Tamar’s wonderful family: Tamar’s mother, Irene; her sister, Anat; and her boyfriend, Dudik Altaraz. After a beautiful visit in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, she departed back to England. From there, she flew on a C-9 medical aircraft to Spain. From Spain, she flew in a brand-new Boeing C-17 Globemaster back to the USA. Remove the word “impossible” from your vocabulary, was another one of Maria’s life mottos.

Almost two years later, Maria flew back to Jerusalem in 2000 to be present at Tamar’s wedding with Dudik. She attended their wedding in the company of her husband Jose, her daughter Duana, and her mother Olga. She was surprised, delighted, and honored when Tamar asked her husband to take the place of her late father in the wedding ceremony. Years later, Tamar, her husband Dudik, and their two sons and one daughter came to visit her in Palm Bay, Florida.

Taking a break from traveling, Maria wanted to obtain a college degree and enrolled herself at the Brevard Community College in Melbourne, Fl. She started attending classes on a part-time basis because she still enjoyed working as a bank teller; she was a favorite with many loyal customers and always enjoyed catching up with the owner of Tucker’s Plumbing and his wife. After her husband was transferred to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, she also transferred to the Broward Community College in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. On December 17, 2004, the faculty conferred to Maria A. Lara an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts. Learn something new every day was another one of her life mottos. She had obtained a college degree so she was ready to travel again and start a new adventure, opening a retail store in Lima, Peru.

As the appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in her home, she was financially savvy. She managed the household budget since the start of her marriage, and with her husband, she started investing in real estate, stocks, mutual funds, collecting coins, etc. Her goal was to be a millionaire one day. Once her husband retired from the military, she suggested an opportunity to start a retail investment in Lima, Peru. After a few months of working the logistics, she purchased a brick-and-mortar retail store in Lima and a beautiful apartment in an affluent neighborhood in Surco, Lima, Peru. After successfully running the business for three years in Lima, she sold the business to reinvest her capital in rental properties in Melbourne, FL and achieved all of her financial goals. The poor immigrant teenage girl that arrived with one suitcase in 1971 had achieved financial success in her adopted country. Set goals, achieve them, and don’t let someone else define success for you – another one of her life mottos.

From 2005 to 2014, she traveled more than twice around Europe and the Middle East. She visited Bordeaux and Paris, France; Rome and Venice, Italy; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Brussels, Belgium; Berlin, Germany; Vienna and Salzburg, Austria; Prague, Czech Republic; Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Madrid, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal, and Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Although she had a fantastic time touring the gold markets in Dubai and riding a camel and dune buggy, her favorite cities were Bordeaux and Budapest, and her favorite animal was the elephant.

On September 15, 2007, Maria attended her daughter’s wedding in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and was her Matron of Honor. Duana and Jon met over the Christmas holiday in 2006 and were united forever in a beautiful Catholic wedding ceremony at Annunciation Catholic Church in downtown Williamsport a year later. Maria was so happy that her daughter had found her true soulmate in Jon. Soon after the wedding, Jon became her adopted son in love and spirit. Moreover, she received the best Christmas gift in 2009, when she learned her dream of becoming a grandmother would come true. Maria’s life finally became complete when she was made a grandmother on August 21, 2010. She was rich beyond belief in love and happiness with her family now complete. Later, on October 11, 2014, she attended the lovely wedding ceremony of her nephew, Jorge Ruiz with Diana, in Madrid, Spain. Another one of her dreams came true: to travel to Europe with her grandson Deklan, along with his parents and her husband.

Maria was the unofficial family’s matriarch. Maria had a beautiful, gentle, free spirit, and a giving heart along with a beautiful soul. She was always there to give a helping hand to whoever was in need in the Ruiz, Bustamante, and Lara families and friends. She provided shelter, love, financial aid, advice, mentoring, and even completed immigration documents to help relatives and friends immigrate to the US and Spain. Maria was truly loved and admired by so many and her elegance, poise, cultural and world knowledge, financial savvy, love, leadership, and discipline attracted the envy of few.

Her door and her heart were always open. She was there to assist her husband’s mother, father, sisters, and brother. She was always there to assist her own sister, brothers, sisters-in law, nieces, nephews, and family friends. She welcomed all of them to her house for a few days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. She never said no. She helped and encouraged her nieces and nephews to join the Army and Air Force and a few of them did. They all succeeded in life.

Maria, one of the youngest of 8 siblings, took it upon herself to volunteer in caring for her mother, Olga Ruiz, for almost 40 years: periodically from the 1970’s to the 1990’s, then continuously for the last 20 years. She took her mother on vacation trips to Las Vegas, Spain, England, Italy, Israel, and Peru. She recently arranged the celebration of her mother Olga’s 100 Birthday Bash and Family Reunion at The Tides Collocated Club at Patrick AFB with family flying in from Peru, England, Spain, and different parts of the US. Maria treated her mother like a queen, even after being diagnosed with the terminal illness of Bulbar ALS on November 16, 2021, and miraculously recovering from the Covid virus on Christmas Eve to be able to spend her favorite holiday with her family. Maria was not ready to leave this earth in 2021 and found renewed strength to celebrate the New Year in her home with her family. She was determined to always stay home, spending only three days in the ICU at the end of January. Maria always took exceptional care of her mother until the very end of her life. As a result, her mother Olga, is now 102 years old, still healthy, vibrant, and living with one of her sons.

Her legacy now lives on with her grandson Deklan Joseph Boyles – the love of her life, her pride and joy, the one who completed her life and made her a grandmother – her ultimate wish came true. The miracle boy of two wonderful parents, Jon and Duana Boyles, Deklan always lovingly referred to his grandma as his “YaYa.” She always encouraged him to do his best with playing the piano, rowing, sailing, and school. She especially loved that he was a dedicated Altar Server at St. Joseph Catholic Church and was participating in the National League of Junior Cotillions, South Brevard Chapter, receiving various instructions including etiquette and ballroom dance. Yaya loved spoiling her grandson, but she also expected him to be a well-educated, disciplined, young man, a cosmopolitan like herself. When Deklan was little, he used to spend one night a week in Yaya’s house and at bedtime, Yaya would tell him bedtime stories before going to sleep. She would tell him stories about her family, her childhood in Peru, her trips around the world, and she would sing him lullaby songs in Spanish which he truly loved and enjoyed listening to before going to sleep.

This year Deklan’s Mother’s Day present for his Yaya was a beautiful, hand-made clay sculpture (coated in ceramic) of his Yaya sitting cross-legged and holding him as a baby. He made it at school for their clay art project, making a Pueblo Storyteller Doll. He was able to give it to his Yaya two days before she passed away; she held on to it each day and had it by her side until her last day, her last breath. Yaya always loved listening to her grandson playing the piano and receiving his daily hugs and kisses. Moments before passing away, she peacefully listened to her daughter Tamar talking to her and then listened to all of Deklan’s videos playing all of her favorite classical pieces and her most favorite piece the Tango’s “Por Una Cabeza.” Yaya will always be Deklan’s guardian angel and we thank God for taking her peacefully while she was in the comfort of her own home surrounded by love with her husband Jose, daughter Duana, and son Jon by her side.

Versión en Español – Spanish Version

María Angeolina Lara falleció el 5 de mayo de 2022 a las 16:25 horas en la comodidad de su propia casa con su familia a su lado, ejemplificando Proverbios 31, versus 25-31:

Fortaleza y honra son su vestidura; y ella se regocijará en el tiempo por venir.
Abre su boca con sabiduría; y en su lengua está la ley de la bondad.
Mira bien los caminos de su casa, y no come el pan de la ociosidad.
Sus hijos se levantan y la llaman bienaventurada; también su marido, y él la alaba.
Muchas hijas han hecho virtudes, pero tú las superas a todas.
Engañosa es la gracia, y vana la hermosura; mas la mujer que teme a Jehová, ésa será alabada.
Dadle del fruto de sus manos; y alábenla en las puertas sus propias obras.

Mi madre, también llamada cariñosamente YaYa por mi hijo, era una fuerza a tener en cuenta en este mundo. Fue una guerrera invencible desde que nació hasta su último aliento. Era un ángel en la tierra para muchos y tenía el aura de una reina porque esa es la confianza que tenía en sí misma y exudaba a quienes la rodeaban. Me quedó claro que mi mamá era un alma vieja porque fue una madre y esposa perfecta desde el principio. Ella siempre supo el bien del mal sin dudar ni vacilar. Su brújula moral siempre estuvo perfectamente calibrada.

Aunque tenía un gran talento para las matemáticas y soñaba con ser arquitecta, las dificultades de la vida no le permitieron terminar su educación en Perú. Ella emigró a los Estados Unidos para trabajar cuando tenía solo 16 años y pronto conoció a mi padre. Su historia de amor es un cuento de hadas moderno con su propia historia hermosa e increíble. Eran Yin y Yang, perfectamente equilibrados para navegar juntos por la vida y sus dificultades. Al convertirse en esposa a los 17 años, y luego un año después en mi madre, aceptó magistralmente sus roles y se dedicó incondicionalmente a su familia. Ella fue un modelo a seguir excepcional para mí, mi hermano, mi hermana Tamar y todos los que la rodeaban: el epítome de una esposa y madre bíblica.

Fue muy influenciada por las monjas católicas y abrazó su fe católica de todo corazón. Ella encarnó los principios de Jesucristo en su vida y nos crió para hacer siempre nuestro mejor esfuerzo para seguir sus pasos. Trata a los demás como quieres ser tratado. No digas ni hagas nada que intencionalmente lastime a alguien. Nunca le desees el mal a nadie pase lo que pase. Nunca juzgues; no tires la primera piedra ni ninguna piedra. Finalmente, confíe siempre en Dios y sepa que Él siempre está con usted dondequiera que vaya y en todo lo que haga. Debido a su fuerte fe y confianza en Dios, nunca fue una persona necesitada. Tenía altos estándares para sí misma y para aquellos a quienes permitía estar con ella.

Con solo 1 metro y 45 cm de estatura, tenía una fortaleza fenomenal, un ingenio maravilloso, y un corazón puro y compasivo lleno de amor infinito. Su única debilidad es que a veces daba demasiado de sí misma al cuidar a los que están cerca de ella. Ella siempre antepuso las necesidades de su familia antes que a sí misma. Cuando finalmente cumplió su papel de madre para mí, se convirtió en mi mejor amiga. Nunca podría imaginar la vida, este mundo, sin ella en él. Siempre fue mi mentora, mi confidente, el viento bajo mis alas. Ella siempre tuvo un espíritu aventurero muy valiente y me crió de la misma manera: para salir y conquistar el mundo. Su naturaleza intrépida era impresionante y era evidente incluso para los extraños; cuando fuimos juntos a un crucero, ella fue a bucear en una de las excursiones a pesar de que no sabía nadar. Ni siquiera sabía cómo flotar. Podía hacer cualquier cosa, en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento. Incluso cuando le diagnosticaron una enfermedad autoinmune extremadamente rara, Dermatomiositis, a los 50 años, se negó a dejar que la debilitara. En cambio, tomó mucho cuidado, tiempo, y atención para que la enfermedad entrara en remisión y continuara su vida como si no la tuviera. Caminar casi todas las noches con mi papá, ir al gimnasio, remodelar y pintar su casa de dos pisos y andar con su nieto en su pequeño scooter motorizado, fueron solo algunas de las muchas actividades que siguió disfrutando en su vida.

A pesar de todo, durante toda su vida, siempre fue muy sofisticada y mundana. Dios, la Biblia, la Historia Universal, las Historias Morales, la Experiencia de Vida y el Mundo fueron sus maestros. Tenía una sed insaciable de conocimiento y un amor incondicional por compartir todo lo que sabía y aprendió con todos los que la rodeaban para que pudieran usarlo en su beneficio para florecer en sus vidas. Tocó e influenció a tantas personas en todo el mundo para tener un impacto positivo en la tierra. Mi mamá pudo hacer todo esto y más, ser ella misma y mantenerse fiel a sí misma y a Dios siempre, con la ayuda, la increíble asociación de mi papá superhéroe: su roca, su león, su viento bajo sus alas, su todo. Gracias, papá, por darle a mi madre, María Angeolina Lara, la vida más increíble del mundo. Gracias por darle la libertad y la vía para vivir su vida al máximo hasta su último aliento.

Biografía de María A. Lara 1954 – 2022

María Angeolina Ruiz Bustamante Lara nació en Barranco, Lima, Perú el 11 de julio de 1954. La tercera de la menor de ocho hermanos, supo desde temprana edad que estaba destinada a triunfar y lo logró. Asistió a la Escuela Católica Mary’s Children administrada por monjas. Ella siempre hablaba de su relación y experiencias con las monjas en su escuela, iglesia, y en su vida. Como resultado, desarrolló una conexión espiritual y una fe en Dios muy fuertes y significativas. Era una de las más pequeñas en estatura, pero su sed de conocimiento era enorme. Sobresalió en matemáticas, su fuerte. Desde muy temprana edad, ella fue intelectualmente dotada en números. Siempre contaba la historia de ir con su madre al mercado local. Mientras su madre ordenaba de 12 a 15 artículos diferentes, simultáneamente, María agregaba el valor de los diferentes artículos en su cabeza. Antes de que el comerciante le diera el total, ella ya estaba contando el dinero de la cartera de su madre para pagar la cuenta. Esto la llevó a obtener un trabajo como contadora en un negocio local a los 15 años para poder comprarse un boleto a los Estados Unidos, la tierra de las oportunidades, y vivir el Sueño Americano.

En 1971 emigró a los Estados Unidos cuando solamente tenía 16 años. Al aterrizar en el aeropuerto JFK de Nueva York en un frío y nevado día de invierno de febrero, llegó con todas sus pertenencias guardadas en una sola pieza de equipaje. Estaba lista para aprender un nuevo idioma, estudiar, trabajar y triunfar. Oh, sí, sabía que estaba destinada a tener éxito en su nuevo país adoptivo. Ella siempre decía: “En los EE. UU. no hay barreras para lo que puedes lograr. Las únicas barreras son las que creas para ti mismo”. Para ella, solo el cielo era el límite y estaba lista para ser Estadounidense.

Vivía en Paterson, Nueva Jersey con su hermano mayor Ismael y trabajaba en una fábrica. Poco después conoció y comenzó a salir con un chico de Lima, Perú. Se casó con ese chico, José Lara, un año después, el 10 de junio de 1972, y lo convirtió en el hombre más afortunado del mundo. Ella le recomienda encarecidamente a alistarse en la Fuerza Aérea de los EE. UU. mientras estaba embarazada de su primer hijo, una niña, Duana Gwendolin Lara (ahora Boyles). Su hija nació el 09 de abril de 1973 y poco después, el 29 de abril, José voló a Texas para empezar el entrenamiento militar básico. Después de que su esposo se graduó de la capacitación militar, María empacó las pertenencias familiares y viajó con su hija recién nacida en un autobús Greyhound desde Paterson, Nueva Jersey a Biloxi, Mississippi para estar con su esposo mientras el asistía a la escuela técnica en Keesler A.F.B. Sin miedo a viajar ni a nuevos horizontes, María siempre estuvo lista para triunfar. Mientras estaba en Biloxi, Mississippi, con la ayuda de su vecina, se sumergió en aprender a escribir, leer y hablar el idioma inglés mientras criaba a su hija. Nunca dejes de aprender fue uno de sus lemas de vida.

Completamente inmersa en la vida militar, viajó a su nuevo destino militar en Langley AFB, Virginia. Desde allí, volvió a empacar las pertenencias familiares y voló a Madrid, España en 1975 para unirse a su esposo en su nuevo destino militar en la Base Aérea de Torrejón de Ardoz, España. Mientras estaba en España, María quedó embarazada de su segundo hijo, un niño. Su hijo, José Luis Lara, nació el 10 de octubre de 1977. Un año después, con sus dos hijos y esposo, llevó a la familia en un viaje de vacaciones de 30 días por carretera en Europa, conduciendo su vehículo Fiat desde España hasta Andorra, Francia, Italia (San Marino y el Vaticano), Suiza y de vuelta a España. Viajar y vivir la vida al máximo fue otro de sus lemas de vida.

En 1980, después de cinco años en España, la familia fue trasladada a Hurlburt Field AFB, Florida, y luego a Tinker AFB, Oklahoma. Mientras estaba en Oklahoma, María decidió conseguir un trabajo y muy rápidamente se convirtió en gerente de un restaurante local sin sacrificar tiempo para la familia y siempre anteponiendo las necesidades de su familia. También patrocinó en un intercambio internacional estudiantil a una estudiante de secundaria de Jerusalén, Israel, de nombre Tamar Israeli (ahora Altaraz); y en muy poco tiempo, Tamar pasó a formar parte de la familia Lara. En 1990, María obtuvo una hermosa segunda hija para toda la vida. Coincidentemente, el cumpleaños de Tamar es el día después de la festividad favorita de María, la Navidad.

En 1991, luego del prematuro fallecimiento de su menor hijo, María y José se trasladaron a Melbourne, FL para llorar la pérdida más trágica de sus vidas. Usando su fe en Dios para ayudarla a seguir adelante en la vida, parte de su terapia durante el momento más difícil de su vida fue escuchar los logros de la vida de su hija. María se negó a permitir que su hija renunciara a sus sueños y la animó a seguir adelante sin importar el dolor o las dificultades. Como resultado de su educación, Duana se graduó de la Universidad de Texas, y se asimilo al cuero de oficiales del US Army con el grado de teniente del ejército de los EE. UU. y luego fue ascendida a capitán. Después de completar su servicio militar, se graduó magna cum laude de la Facultad de Derecho Thomas M. Cooley en Lansing, Michigan y se desempeñó como Defensora Pública en el condado de Brevard durante muchos años. A María le encantaba escuchar todas las historias de los juicios legales de su hija en la corte del condado de Brevard y pudo asistir y presenciar varias veces a su hija en acción como abogada defensora. De hecho, María se unió a su hija en la corte trabajando como traductora certificada. Madre e hija, dos profesionales trabajando juntas en la corte del condado de Brevard, fueron inseparables hasta el último día de María en la tierra.

Si bien su devoción y enfoque siempre fueron cuidar excepcionalmente a su familia, su pasión e interés personales estaban en los viajes internacionales y las finanzas. Su sueño de niña creciendo en Perú era ser arquitecta. Aunque las dificultades de la vida la redirigieron a experimentar otras aventuras, siempre vivió la vida al máximo sin remordimientos, apoyando a su esposo y criando a sus hijos para alcanzar sus propias estrellas. Mientras trabajaba como cajera en un banco local, finalmente comenzó a concentrarse en sí misma y se inscribió en el programa GED en la escuela secundaria de Melbourne High School para lograr uno de los objetivos de su vida: obtener un diploma de escuela secundaria. Estudiando sola en casa, seis semanas más tarde tomó su examen GED en cuatro materias: Razonamiento matemático, Razonamiento a través de las Artes del Lenguaje Ingles, Estudios Sociales y Ciencias. El 6 de diciembre de 1995, la Junta de Educación del Estado de Florida le otorgó su diploma de la escuela secundaria. Empezar cada día creyendo en uno mismo era otro de sus lemas de vida.

Persona cosmopolita, su pasión y su hobby de María era viajar por el mundo. Visitar nuevos países y lugares, experimentar nuevas cocinas, conocer gente nueva, ir a museos, teatros, palacios y aprender otras culturas, costumbres, música y vinos; oh sí, amaba sus vinos tintos, especialmente de Burdeos, Francia (uno de sus lugares favoritos para visitar cuando viajaba a Europa). También le encantaba viajar en cruceros con Royal Caribbean y Princess Cruises a Jamaica, las Islas Gran Caimán, las Bahamas y otras islas.

Después de que su esposo estaba listo para jubilarse de la vida militar en 1998, comenzaron a viajar con sus mochilas en aviones militares Space-A. Comenzaron su viaje en McGuire AFB, NJ, volando en un avión de carga C-5 a Alemania. Desde Alemania volaron en un avión C-130 a Inglaterra. Durante su estadía en Inglaterra, organizaron un vuelo de ida y vuelta a Jerusalén, Israel, para visitar a su hermosa hija Tamar Israeli y conocer por primera vez a la maravillosa familia de Tamar: la madre de Tamar, Irene; su hermana Anat; y su novio, Dudik Altaraz. Después de una hermosa visita a Jerusalén y Tel Aviv, partió de regreso a Inglaterra. Desde allí, voló en un avión médico C-9 a España. Desde España, voló en un nuevo Boeing C-17 Globemaster de regreso a los Estados Unidos. Saca la palabra “imposible” de tu vocabulario, era otro de los lemas de vida de María.

Casi dos años después, María voló de regreso a Jerusalén en 2000 para estar presente en la boda de Tamar con Dudik. Asistió a su boda en compañía de su esposo José, su hija Duana y su madre Olga. Se sintió sorprendida, encantada y honrada cuando Tamar le pidió a su esposo Jose que tomara el lugar de su difunto padre en la ceremonia de la boda. Años más tarde, Tamar, su esposo Dudik y sus dos hijos y una hija fueron a visitarla a Palm Bay, Florida.

Tomando un descanso de los viajes, María deseaba obtener un título universitario y se matriculó en Brevard Community College en Melbourne, Florida. Empezó a asistir a clases a tiempo parcial porque todavía le gustaba trabajar como cajera de banco; ella era la favorita de muchos clientes leales y siempre disfrutaba ponerse al día con el dueño de Tucker’s Plumbing y su esposa. Después de que su esposo fuera transferido a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, ella también se registró en el Broward Community College en Fort Lauderdale, Florida para seguir asistiendo a sus clases universitarias. El 17 de diciembre de 2004, la facultad confirió a María A. Lara un Grado Universitario Asociado en Artes Liberales. Aprender algo nuevo cada día era otro de sus lemas de vida. Obtuvo finalmente su título universitario, por lo que estaba lista para viajar nuevamente y comenzar una nueva aventura, abriendo una tienda minorista en el Perú.

Como Directora Financiera Designada (CFO) en su casa, tenía conocimientos financieros. Manejó el presupuesto del hogar desde el inicio de su matrimonio, y junto a su esposo comenzó a invertir en bienes raíces, acciones, fondos mutuos, colecciones de monedas, etc. Su meta era ser millonaria algún día. Una vez que su esposo se jubiló de la Fuerza Aérea, María sugirió la oportunidad de iniciar una inversión minorista en Lima, Perú. Después de algunos meses de trabajar en la logística, compró una tienda comercial en Lima y un hermoso apartamento en un barrio próspero en Surco, Lima, Perú. Después de administrar con éxito el negocio durante tres años en Surco, Lima, vendió el negocio comercial y su apartamento para reinvertir su capital en propiedades de alquiler en Melbourne, FL y logrando con esto todas sus metas financieras. La pobre adolescente inmigrante que llegó con una maleta en 1971 había logrado el éxito financiero en su país adoptivo. Fíjate metas, alcánzalas y no dejes que nadie más defina el éxito por ti, otro de sus lemas de vida. María poseía una gran mente y visión para inversiones financieras.

De 2005 a 2014, viajó más de dos veces por Europa y Medio Oriente. Visitó Burdeos y París, Francia; Roma y Venecia, Italia; Amsterdam, Holanda; Bruselas, Belgica; Berlín, Alemania; Viena y Salzburgo, Austria; Praga, República Checa; Cracovia, Polonia; Budapest, Hungría; Madrid, España; Lisboa, Portugal, y Dubai y Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU). Aunque se lo pasó genial recorriendo los mercados del oro en Dubái y montando en camello y un buggy, sus ciudades favoritas eran Burdeos y Budapest, y su animal favorito era el elefante.

El 15 de septiembre de 2007, María asistió a la boda de su hija en Williamsport, Pensilvania, y fue su Madrina de Honor. Duana y Jon se conocieron durante las vacaciones de Navidad de 2006 y un año después se unieron para siempre en una hermosa ceremonia religiosa en la Iglesia Católica de la Anunciación en el centro de Williamsport. María estaba tan feliz de que su hija hubiera encontrado a su verdadera alma gemela en Jon. Poco después de la boda, Jon se convirtió en su hijo adoptivo en amor y espíritu. Además, recibió el mejor regalo de Navidad en 2009, cuando se enteró que su sueño de ser abuela se haría realidad. La vida de María finalmente se completó cuando se convirtió en abuela el 21 de agosto de 2010. Más allá de su total creencia en el amor y la felicidad, ahora su familia estaba completa. Posteriormente, el 11 de octubre de 2014, asistió a la hermosa ceremonia de boda de su sobrino Jorge Ruiz con Diana, en Madrid, España. Otro de sus sueños se hizo realidad: viajar a Europa con su nieto Deklan, junto con sus padres y su esposo.

María era la matriarca extraoficial de la familia. Ella tenía un espíritu hermoso, gentil y libre, y un corazón generoso junto con un alma hermosa. María siempre estuvo allí para ayudar a quien lo necesitara en las familias y amigos de los Ruiz, Bustamante y Lara. Ella brindó refugio, amor, ayuda financiera, consejos, tutoría e incluso completó documentos de inmigración para ayudar a familiares y amigos a emigrar a los EE. UU. y España. María fue verdaderamente amada y admirada por tantos y su elegancia, finura, aplomo, cultura, amor, liderazgo, disciplina y conocimiento mundial y financiero siempre atrajeron la envidia de pocos.

Su puerta y su corazón siempre estaban abiertos. Ella estaba allí para ayudar a la madre, el padre, las hermanas y el hermano de la familia de su esposo. María siempre estuvo allí para ayudar a su propia hermana, hermanos, cuñadas, sobrinas, sobrinos y amigos de la familia. Les dio la bienvenida a todos en su casa durante unos días, semanas, meses y, a veces, años. Ella nunca se negó a dar una mano. Ayudó y alentó a sus sobrinos a unirse al Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea y algunos de ellos lo hicieron. Todos triunfaron en la vida.

María, una de las menores de 8 hermanos, se voluntarizo a encargarse del cuidado de su madre, Olga Ruiz, durante casi 40 años. Periódicamente desde la década de 1970 hasta la década de 1990 vivió con María luego de forma continua durante los últimos 20 años. María llevó a su madre de vacaciones a Las Vegas, España, Inglaterra, Italia, Israel y Perú. Recientemente organizó la celebración de la fiesta de cumpleaños número 100 de su madre Olga y la reunión familiar se realizó en The Tides Collocated Club en Patrick AFB con la familia que volaba desde Perú, Inglaterra, España y diferentes partes de los EE. UU. María trató a su madre como una reina, incluso después de que le diagnosticaron la enfermedad terminal de Bulbar ALS el 16 de noviembre de 2021. Después se recuperó milagrosamente del virus Covid antes de la Nochebuena para poder pasar su feriado favorito con su familia: Navidad. María no estaba lista para dejar este mundo en 2021 y encontró fuerzas renovadas para celebrar el Año Nuevo 2022 en su casa con su familia. Estaba decidida a quedarse siempre en casa, pasando solo tres días en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos a fines del mes de enero y pedir que la regresaran a su hogar. María siempre cuidó excepcionalmente a su madre hasta el final de sus días. Como resultado de su completo amor y cuidados, su madre, Olga, ahora tiene 102 años, sigue sana, vibrante y vive ahora con uno de sus hijos.

El legado de María ahora vive en su nieto Deklan Joseph Boyles, el amor de su vida, su orgullo y alegría, el que completó su vida y la convirtió en abuela, su último deseo se hizo realidad. El niño milagroso de dos padres maravillosos, Jon y Duana Boyles, Deklan siempre se refirió cariñosamente a su abuela como su “YaYa”. Ella siempre lo animó a dar lo mejor de sí mismo tocando el piano, remando, navegando y estudiando. Le encantaba especialmente que él fuera un monaguillo dedicado en la Iglesia Católica St. Joseph y que participara en la Liga Nacional de Cotillones Juveniles, Capítulo South Brevard, recibiendo varias instrucciones, incluida la etiqueta y el baile de salón. A Yaya le encantaba consentir a su nieto, pero también esperaba que fuera un joven educado, disciplinado y cosmopolita como ella. Cuando Deklan era pequeño, solía pasar una noche a la semana en la casa de Yaya y, a la hora de acostarse, Yaya le contaba cuentos antes de irse a dormir. Le contaba historias de su familia, de su infancia en el Perú, de sus viajes por el mundo, y le cantaba canciones de cuna en español que él realmente amaba y disfrutaba escuchar antes de irse a dormir.

Este año, el regalo del Día de la Madre de Deklan para su Yaya fue una hermosa escultura de arcilla hecha a mano (recubierta de cerámica) de su Yaya sentada con las piernas cruzadas y sosteniéndolo cuando era un bebé. Lo hizo en la escuela para su proyecto de arte en arcilla, haciendo una muñeca titulada la Narradora de Historias del Pueblo. Deklan se lo entrego a su Yaya dos días antes de que María falleciera; ella se aferró a la escultura cada día y lo tuvo a su lado hasta su último día, durante su último aliento. A Yaya siempre le encantó escuchar a su nieto tocar el piano y recibir sus abrazos y besos diarios. Momentos antes de fallecer, María escuchó en paz a su hija Tamar hablar con ella por teléfono desde Israel y luego escuchó todos los videos de Deklan tocando el piano de todas sus piezas clásicas y su pieza favorita, el tango: “Por una cabeza”. Yaya siempre será el ángel guardián de Deklan y damos gracias a Dios por llevarla en paz mientras estaba en la comodidad de su hogar rodeada de tanto amor con su esposo José, su hija Duana y su hijo Jon a su lado.

Guestbook Entry

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41 entries.
Susan Ruiz from Wayne wrote on May 26, 2022:
Querida hermana siempre guardaré los momentos que pasamos juntas en nuestro primer viaje a USA. Un beso al cielo con amor. Descansa en paz .
Carlos E. Bustamante Dawson from Santiago de Surco, Lima, Perú wrote on May 25, 2022:
Irene Sommer from Jerusalem wrote on May 25, 2022:
I had the privilege to get to know this amazing, warm and energetic woman, who is the co- mother of Tamar and who taught her so many things that I did not. We are so lucky and grateful that we have become a part of your warm-hearted family. Dearest Maria, you are engraved on our hearts for always. I remember the many laughs we had together, when you were in Jerusalem and the great honor you bestowed on us travelling thousands of miles to present at Tamar's and Dudik's wedding. I will always love you and miss you - and your family until my final days and am deeply grateful for the love and wisdom you passed on to our Tamar.. May you find heavenly peace as the angel that you are, and may it be a consolation that Josito and you are together...
Kim Kouyoumjian from wrote on May 25, 2022:
Rest In Peace my sweet Maria.
Griselda Ruiz from Tamarac wrote on May 25, 2022:
Mi querida cuńada, nos conocemos desde nińas y nunca dude de lo inteligente, carińosa, amable, el amor a tu familia y sobre todo en amor a Dios que tenías, reímos y lloramos juntas muchos momentos, que fueron interrumpidos por muchos años de silencio nos reconciliamos y doy gracias a Dios que fue así. Dios a su verá te tenga mi querida Perica, e intercede por todos nosotros desde allí, el cielo es el regalo máximo que te mereces, por haber sido y serás nuestro ángel en este mundo. Gracias y descansa en Paz. 🙏🌹❤️😍🌹
Christina Cobb from Huntsville wrote on May 24, 2022:
Prayers and comfort for you and your family Dee. What a wonderful tribute to your mom.
Magaly Espejo de Rebaza from Lima wrote on May 24, 2022:
Te recordaré siempre con esa sonrisa franca y contagiosa, propia de un noble corazón. Un abrazo al cielo Angeolina.
Delia Hernandez from Austin, TX wrote on May 24, 2022:
That smile! I remember her kindness and warmth, and that smile of hers just radiated.
Stephanie Rubin from Vero Beach wrote on May 24, 2022:
Thinking of you and your family, and offering condolences for a great loss. All best wishes, Stephanie Rubin, Deklan’s first grade teacher
Juan Ismael Ruiz Bustamante from Tamarac wrote on May 24, 2022:
Mi hermanita querida, fue para mi siempre un privilegio tenerte por tal: mi pequeña Perica. Nunca te olvidare y siempre amare el haber estado contigo hasta tu partida. Que en los brazos de Dios descanses y siempre ve por tu hermosa familia. Te amo mi querida Perica. 🙏😍❤️🙏
Maria Angeolina Caulford from Williamsburg wrote on May 24, 2022:
While I have not been a part of Tia Perica’s life for over 12 years now which I regret wholeheartedly, I can only hope in her heart she knew how grateful I was for the unconditional love she shared with my brother and I during some of our most challenging times as kids. She welcomed us into her home and treated us as her own. Some of my fondest memories of Tia were of Tio Pepe getting her a new teal mustang convertible and Tia taking my teenage friends and I cruising on the Eau Gallie bridge while she jammed to Prince “the most beautiful girl in the world” which was one of her favorite songs. She also made an amazing pepper steak which to this day I make for my girls. Looking back at the many memories, I never realized how much strength she possessed to always take care of the family, even when family like myself did not appreciate her sacrifice. To her husband Tio Pepe and her daughter Duana, thank you for sharing her during my childhood as she stepped in to care for me. I was definitely not the niece she deserved and am deeply sorry for your loss. May she Rest In Peace in the loving arms of Josito.
Maria Angeolina Caulford from Williamsburg wrote on May 24, 2022:
While I regret wholeheartedly not being a part of Tia Perica’s life within the past 12 years I am forever grateful for the unconditional love and hospitality she shared with me throughout my early teenage years. She opened her home and welcomed my brother and I as we overcame some of the most challenging times in our childhood. Some of the most fondest memories i have of her and have always cherished were of Tia taking my friends and I on a ride across the Eau Gallie bridge in her teal convertible mustang with the top down as she blasted “Ice ice baby” on the radio, as well as allowing me to do my first ever sleep over at the house where her and Tio Pepe made breakfast. While those memories may seem unimportant, looking back it was a time of my life where she showed me what it was like to have a normal childhood. She always made me feel as part of her immediate family and always wanted my brother and I to feel welcomed and loved. Her pepper steak which to this day is still one of my favorite meals which I now cook for my girls was something that she would make when ever I had a bad day at school. As I look back now at so many memories of Tia from my childhood I can only imagine how much strength it took for her to do as much as she did for the family. I’m deeply sorry that I never had the chance to tell her how grateful I was for what she did for me as a child; I can only hope she knew in heart that what she did for us was never forgotten and sincerely appreciated. My deepest condolences to her husband Tio Pepe and her daughter Duana during this difficult time. Thank you for sharing your wife and your mother with me in a time where she truly made a difference in my life. I’m sorry that I was not the niece I should have been to her and hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. May she Rest In Peace in the loving arms of Josito.
Samantha Mirabal from Malabar wrote on May 24, 2022:
I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute of an amazing woman who will be deeply missed. Love and prayers to your family!! ❤️
Yizelt Ruiz Martell from Lima wrote on May 24, 2022:
I have learnt so much about My aunt reading this beautiful tribute. I will always remember her as My lovely kind auntie who always had a smile for me and a positive attitude. You Will always be in My heart!!!
Bob & Rheta Boyles from Cogan Station PA wrote on May 24, 2022:
We will always remember Maria for her sweet smile & generosity. She always made us feel welcome in any situation. I will never forget the conversations we had about Black Friday shopping while sharing Thanksgiving dinner!! She had her list & her itinerary all down to a science!!! She was indeed a treasure and we are honored to have known her. RIP Ya Ya. ♥️🙏🏻♥️
Tamar Altaraz from Jerusalem wrote on May 24, 2022:
In deep sorrow for the loss of a beautiful soul! Mom was a role model to me! She was an angel on earth and only did good for everyone around her. Always happy and energetic, so smart and wise! I love her deeply ! She was unique and I am so lucky to have met her and lucky to have had long talks with her and spending time together. I have only good memories with her. One of them when she gave me the special jacket for my 18 birthday with an amazing bday cake and party. She attented my wedding in Israel with Dad, Duana and Grandma. Another of Mom and Dad visit to Israel and touring the counrty together. And so many many more! She influenced my life so much and turned them around for the good and I will be forever gratefull for her! Dad Duana Jon Deklan with you in your terrible loss . Mom, I will love you forever!!!!
Sonya Ellis from Edmond, OKlahoma wrote on May 24, 2022:
Like an angel on earth, who came here to touch the lives of so many people. She was a mentor, an educator of life, and a Mom to me during some of the hardest times of my life. But that was her. Always giving, always there. With a smile and loving touch a Mom can only give. She will be thought of often as I cherish the time I got to spend with such a beautiful woman. I love you, Mom.
Yvy Karin Milagros Ruiz Silva from Norristown Pennsylvania wrote on May 24, 2022:
Mi adorada tía, agradecida eternamente por darme valor y confianza. Siempre te llevare con amor en mi corazón. Tu sobrina Yvy Ruiz
Beatrice Morisset wrote on May 24, 2022:
I am so deeply sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. May you find peace in knowing that Jesus is and will be with you every step of the way during this difficult time. Please accept my sincere sympathies! Beatrice Morisset (Thaissa’s mom from Covenant)❤️🙏🏼
Gary and Clarissa Harrell from Indian Harbour Beach, Florida wrote on May 24, 2022:
Her death is impossible for us to fathom, it just won't register - she was a person so full of vitality and light. Deepest condolences to your whole family. What a beautiful obituary -- it fully did justice to her remarkable life and nature. We love you all so much.