Steven Douglas Long

Born on December 27, 1983 in Melbourne, Florida Passed March 2, 2025, in Melbourne, Florida

Steven Douglas Long, Jr, 41, passed away on March 2, 2025 in Melbourne, Florida. He was born on December 27, 1983 in Melbourne, Florida to Steven Douglas Long Sr. and Patricia Long.

Steven was an accomplished carpenter of 24 years and excelled in electrical and custom carpentry work. He took great pride in his craft and handiwork. Outside of work, Steven enjoyed all water sports to include boating, jet skiing and paddle boarding along with festivities with family and friends. He was known for his laid back personality, kindness and witty sense of humor.

Steven was often selfless and put other’s emotions and needs before his own. His final act of organ donation proving just that. He was deserving of so much more in this life but we all can find peace in knowing he truly lives on.

Steven is the youngest of three siblings, survived by his Mother, Patricia Long, sister, Stephanie Martin, brother Robert Welky and partner, Christine Rose along with his Grandfather, Gene Hayes and countless Uncles, Aunts, cousins and nieces.

Whether you called him Steven, Steve, or Stevie, he has left a thumbprint on your life.

Visitation will be on Sunday, March 9, 2025 from 2:00pm until 4:00pm at Brownlie-Maxwell Funeral Home.

Guestbook Entry

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3 entries.
Frank Valencia from Cocoa wrote on March 9, 2025:
Steve. I love you brother . Your smile and kind ,funny giving personality will be missed but never forgotten!!! You truly lit up any room with your presence. I know heaven is a brighter happier place with you there. Love 4ever. ,Frank The Tank
John Stephen Hayes from Palm Bay wrote on March 9, 2025:
Steven, you will truly be missed. Love you from your Uncle Steve.
Debra Reopelle from Rockledge wrote on March 7, 2025:
I loved him from the day he was born.