Leon Elzie Nobles

Born January 6, 1937 in Parrish, Florida
Departed September 18, 2023 in Melbourne, Florida

Leon Elzie Nobles, better known as Knobby, passed from this temporal world into eternity on Monday morning, September 18, 2023.

He was born on January 6, 1937 in Parrish, Florida to his parents, Lonnie Elzie Nobles and Lila Ernestine Wager. Knobby joined the Air Force as a teenager and retired as a Master Sergeant in 1974, after serving for 20 years. During his service he loved his profession as an aircraft mechanic and advanced in rank and responsibilities to flight line crew chief.

He leaves behind Nancy, his beloved wife of 65 years. Knobby, along with Nancy, were founding members of Shiloh Place ministries, out of Conway, South Carolina. They traveled and ministered with Shiloh Place around the country, sharing the Father’s love with people from all over the world. Besides his children, David, Becky and Heidi, there are countless people all over the world that consider him their spiritual father. He showed the Father’s love to everyone he met and would not hesitate to speak to complete strangers. More often than not, they would be given one of his wonderful hugs, which was a way he ministered God’s love to them. He never failed to tell them how much God loved them. In this way he gave them just a glimpse of the love of God. As he was welcomed by Jesus, I am sure that he heard Him say the words, “Well done good and faithful servant.” He will be sorely missed.

His service will be at The House Church, 1520 Bottlebrush Drive, NE, Palm Bay, Florida on Monday, September 25, 2023 at 6 pm. United States Air Force full honors will be accorded.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donations in his memory to The House Church or St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital:

The House Church
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Guestbook Entry

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11 entries.
Becky Key from Knoxville, TN wrote on October 7, 2023:
I’m so grateful you’re my Dad. I have wonderful memories of growing up…. Camping, traveling, catching that octopus on a fishing line….. picking shrimp out of the net…such a great family life. And as time went on and you gave your heart to Jesus, I got to share you with so many more people…. And you were a “stand-in” father to so many. I’m proud that you’re my Dad. I love you Dad.
Pastor Dale Berry from Knoxville wrote on September 25, 2023:
Please accept our heartfelt condolences, words cannot express what you are feeling right now, but we are here for you and we are praying for you. We know he stepped over into the presence of God and now worships around the throne. Soon and very soon we will all be with the King. Pastors Dale and Kathy Berry.
Leon David Nobles from Franklin Massachusetts wrote on September 25, 2023:
Thank you Daddy for a great life growing up with you in this hand selected family by our Creator! For the wisdom you imparted and the knowledge you shared made our lives rich beyond measure! Thank you for building a go-cart with me and the great fun we had on the Mojave dry lake bed… you made me smile SO big! Thank you also for padding my backside when I was supposed to be home at 1pm from the base swimming pool and me and two of my childhood friends thought better of it and closed the pool at 5 pm. That’s when on the way home I was in big trouble!! Mama I’m sorry I scared the day lights out of you! Thank you for making memories with me and taking me fishing and camping,you were the best Daddy a son couldn’t ask for!I didn’t ask for you,you were hand picked by our Heavenly Father.Thank you for taking our whole family camping all over Europe and me having to go pee at 3am in a camp ground in Munich Germany. It was pouring rain and I tripped over the tent zipper on the way back broke the zipper sorry you got upset I didn’t mean to. We had fun anyway.Well the day is done and we’ve put away all the camping gear,and have brought to light the many good memories and all the blessings that came with them.Like you saying yes to M’elch M’elchim and Adon Adonai (King of King’s and Lord of lord’s in Hebrew)I Ahava (love) you Daddy and I’ll let you show me around when I get there.😘♥️
Leon David Nobles from Franklin, MASSACHUSETTS wrote on September 25, 2023:
All my life Daddy I wanted to be just like you! You taught me so many things like how to say please and thank you at a young age.When I was a guest in someone’s home,how to act and leaving thing’s better than the way I found them especially when borrowing tools.You passed down so much wisdom over the years,Thank you so very much! Then you met the M’lech M’lechim and Adon Adonai (King of King’s and Lord of Lord’s in Hebrew) and everything changed in our relationship.We got closer in our relationship and lives.You and Mama had an arranged marriage by our creator and your Son say well done,you did it right the first time! I can remember you coming home from work,Mama would be at the stove cooking dinner and you would give her a love Pat on a butt check and a peck on the lips. I can think of NO better way to make me and my sister’s feel special,safe and secure, knowing our Daddy wasn’t a womanizer,sleeping around! Your the best Daddy and whenever Adonai Elohienu (Lord God) decide’s I’ve done what He’s wanted me to, then Daddy I going to look forward to showing me around,I Ahava (love) you to infinity and beyond your son David!
David Key from Knoxville wrote on September 21, 2023:
I love you Dad. We had some great times together over the last 45 plus years. You taught me so much and I caught a lot more by watching you. I love and miss you.
Don Mercer from Coldwater, Michigan wrote on September 20, 2023:
An honest man here lies at rest, The friend of man, the friend of truth, The friend of age, and guide of youth: Few hearts like his, with virtue warm’d, Few heads with knowledge so inform’d; If there’s another world, he lives in bliss; If there is none, he made the best of this. --Robert Burns--
Richard and Debra Walsh from Orth Myrtle Beaxh wrote on September 20, 2023:
Knobby was a great spiritual dad, lover and neighbor that guided with strength and love. He will always be the best hugger as far as a father. He loved mightily all those in his midst. Knobby always changed people’s hearts towards Father God wherever and whenever he was around. He developed Great value into my life when I needed to see what it was like as a son in a Godly family. His imprint will forever be on Debra and My hearts stamped in unconditional love and Affirmation forever more.
Phil Rieta from New Port Richey wrote on September 20, 2023:
Thank you Uncle Leon for the best hug you gave me each time at the family reunions. I always seeked you out to get that hug and you always had a word of encouragement for me that made me feel good about myself. Thank you for those special moments when he had those reunions.
Bethany Rose from Maryville wrote on September 20, 2023:
Papa... I will forever miss Sunday morning donuts, Fishing, Long talks about forgiveness, mints you pulled out of your pocket, Spitting watermelon seeds off the back porch, ferris wheel rides, rafts past the waves, and such a strong hug that kept me safe from the world so many times growing up...and so many times when I was an adult. I look forward to those hugs again when I get home one day. You truly showed love to us and the world. I love you forever you are my favorite Grandpa. Thank you for loving me back and always giving me a safe place to land. Love Bethany
Heather Mellinger from Lancaster wrote on September 20, 2023:
Thank you Knobby for your loving hugs. I didn't grow up with Daddy hugs and even though I was an older adult when we came down to the Father's love conference in FL you didn't hesitant to hug me! I was kind of squirmy but you didn't let go! This was the beginning of opening my heart to the Father's love. When I heard of your going home to heaven I said to Jere (my husband), Oh! I just know you were greeted with the best hug ever from Jesus!! Thank you again for your father's heart to bring healing wherever you went. See you soon!
Heidi Bibey from Palm Bay wrote on September 20, 2023:
Daddy, You were such an awesome father! I look back on all the special memories growing up and we were rich! Rich in love. Rich in experiences… not once have I ever told someone about gathering pine nuts in the Sierra Nevada mountains and they’ve said, “Oh, I’ve done that!” You were always open to new adventures. I will be forever grateful that I’ve gotten to spend so much time with you the past two and a half years. Thank you for moving here. I’ll see you soon.❤️ Your baby girl, Heidi
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